Monday, September 21, 2015

Mommy Romance

It's amazing how you can fall so completely in love with the same person over & over & over. 
One minute I want to punch him in the face & the next I feel like I could explode with enfatuation. When there's real fiery passion in your life you accept that it is better to feel too much than too little. 
Recently I was talking to a friend & trying my best to explain it. Marriage is so hard and so beautiful all at the same time. Funny when you feel passionately about someone how high those highs are and how low those lows can be. 
He's the only one that will ever look at your kids & think they are as adorable as you do. When they roll over for the first time or say Momma, you will share a look between you that is 100% irreplaceable. 
However, the essential moments are the ones where you actually make time for one another...when the kids are AWAY; when we take the time to HEAR one another. To SEE the little wrinkle that has formed between his brow from years of furrowing. For him to notice the smell of my new perfume. To feel his hands on me. The importance of these moments are so easily overlooked. We get caught up in the realities of life & forget about the fantasy. To embrace one another for the hot messes we truly are & to let go of the idea of the "husband," the "dad," the "provider," he should be in your mind. To be appreciated as the funny irresponsible person your girlfriends see you for. To remember...why you fell in love in the first place anyway. 
The rollercoaster of punch drunk love. What a gift. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Make time for one another. One weekend with the kids away & I'm like a schoolgirl with a crush completely fulfilled again. However long you've been together,  whatever you've been through, if you've ever had these kind of feelings for one another; they're still in there. 

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