Saturday, October 3, 2015

Mommy Is Sick

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

My cousin posted this Thursday & I read it and used it to not feel guilty about skipping my usual Thursday morning run due to feeling sluggish & having stomach issues & the beginnings of a sinus infection.

Then I read it in my Jesus Calling book Thursday night right after setting my alarm to get up Friday morning at 4:15 to run since I didn't Thursday & I had a 10K I was supposed to be ready for Sunday. Wonder if he's telling me I shouldn't run? I wondered. No that can't be it. Because I don't want that to be it. 

I got up Friday morning with a lump in my throat & and an incessant nasal drip. "Suck it up Friend" my inner dialogue was saying. I ran hard & shortened my route just getting it over with. 

By Friday night I was couch bound, completely miserable, to the point where I had excruciating pain when I took a deep breath. I started coming to terms with the fact I may not be running Sunday, even IF I had been training for a few months for it, even if I had 7 other people relying on me to be there, even if it was already paid for, even if I wanted to run that race more than anything... When you're sick, you're sick. You can't argue with it.

Today I've been sitting by my diffuser all day, doped up on DayQuil, binge watching "Mistresses," wrapped up in an electric blanket, & drinking hot tea. 

Actually... Sounds like an amazing day doesn't it? I've been so busy feeling sorry for myself not being able to run tomorrow, missing the girls games today & not being able to hold my son; that I FORGOT to enjoy the rest & relaxation God was forcing me to take today. 

This never happens. I'm horrible at sitting still, not worrying about what needs done, & just relaxing. I usually have to LEAVE my house to do this. But not today. Today I felt awful. But I let my husband juggle our kids without micro-managing him; I let the dishes pile up; I skipped changing my clothes all together; & something amazing happened. We all survived! And it was beautiful. I hope I never take another day for granted; even a sick day.